Wednesday, July 14, 2010

walk-in FP at Oakland (CA)

发信人: faithlove (love faith hope charity), 信区: Immigration
标 题: to share: walk-in FP at Oakland (CA)
关键字: FP 485
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jul 14 14:00:16 2010, 美东)

We got the notice yesterday (7/13) which scheduled us on 8/4 for FP. Because LD got a job offer and needed to start as soon as possible. We tried walk-in this morning at the application support center (ASC) in Oakland, CA.

The ASC in Oakland opens at 8am and there were a dozen of people waiting at the door when we arrived around 7:45am. At 8am, the guard opened the door and let people in. Before we explained why we came without an appointment, the guard stopped us, saying
"Time out...go to speak the guy at the table...he is the boss, if he agrees, come back and fill the information sheet."

We then approached the officer with the following diaglog:

faithlove-- we come here ahead of our appointment because we just got a job offer and need to get the EAD in order to work as soon as possible.

officer-- (looking at the notice) this is for the green card, not for EAD.

faithlove-- Oh...we called the USCIS...get fingerprint done earlier will expedite the whole process, including EAD.

officer-- (looking around) there are not many people now...I can fit you in. (crossing out the 8/4 appointment and wrote 7/14 on the notice)

Overall, the officer is very nice and the fingerprint process is painless. I was worrying some of my fingers were dry (有点掉皮)but FP were accepted.

We arrived at 7:40am and left at 8:50am (bring the notice and Drive License & offer letter). Hope this information helps.

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